Friday, September 3, 2010

European Blogger Mafia

I'm not quite sure about the time line here, but there are certain interconnections that I noticed, and a certain separation between them and US (if you know what I mean). Tobold, Larisa and Gevlon are the head of a blogger network that stretches its control world wide, like a web or net, entrapping readers in an endless loop.

Time and time again, world of warcraft players are European. Ever heard of Totalbiscuit? How about Athene (the self proclaimed greatest paladin in the world).

Who are the American Bloggers? I can't even tell anymore, as American Bloggers continuously make themselves "appear" foreign. Is Ixobelle American, Japanese or European? Half the time, I'm not even sure "HE" is even human!

No, we have Rohan, and Mr. Green, and of course myself. I'm wondering how many are willing to add their name to the American Blogger Militia (A BM), and help combat the (E BM).

(All names used are for demonstration purposes only without their owners permission, and are not officially affiliated with any terrorist organizations, virtual or otherwise.)


  1. Bugger. You're tracking us! Oh well, there are still a few EU bloggers under cover that you haven't exposed. We have to rely on those in our cunning plan to conquer the WoW Blogosphere. (Psst Spinksville, don't answer to ANY questions about your origin!)

  2. Quite honestly, I don't know much about most bloggers I've read. Only the ones who have specifically talked about things native to them, are easy to find out (Gevlon's EU only projects, Larisa your topics and wow armory, and Tobold's region specific issues).

    But I think most US bloggers don't tend to announce where they are from (not that I'd particularly want to know, mind you).

  3. If you're nosy like me, you actually read the 'about' parts in blogs too and there a lot of bloggers actually mention what country they're from (or at least server).
    I'm always curious to find people closer to where I am, but for the EU it's mostly the brits and scandinavians that form the 'mafia', so I feel rather lonely at times. =/

  4. You can be honest with us Pangoria! Our lack of proper grammar and spelling will reveal at least most of us who aren't native English speaking. Apart from Syl then because she's a teacher and awesome.

    More EU bloggers I come to think of: Mana obscura is UK, We fly spitfres too, Bullcopra is from Finland, Dwism is Denmark. And Syl, even if she doesn't mention it, is Swiss.

    There are of course loads more. Could be an idea actually to make some kind of world map showing the distribution of bloggers. I think though that the wow blogosphere actually is pretty much dominated by North America (US/Canada), at least in prevalence. Quality is another issue ofc ;)

  5. Usually I can tell the EU bloggers by post times and comment response times... hehe.

    @Syl: That is such a good idea. O_O

  6. I absolutely do NOT appear the slightest bit foreign.

  7. I'm from the United States, if it's not obvious already. I should put more info on my about page. I didn't have much time when I made it(in fact, almost no time) and have been meaning to redo it.

    "Could be an idea actually to make some kind of world map showing the distribution of bloggers."

    That would be awesome. It looks like we might have a collective project to work on.

    "Quality is another issue"

    I know! Us bloody Americans are illiterate bollocks!

  8. I've been trying to improve my quality, and according to a gender rater (rates the gender of your writing), I've instead made myself more British (weak male voice).

  9. Gender rater? Link please! You make me curious. Would love to see what it makes out of my writings. Will it notice I'm Swedish?


    These are my 3 favorites (in fact, I used the first one to find out that a certain paladin blogger was male back in the day, and even did a comment post about it).

  11. Hehe, guess what reply I got?
    "We guess is written by a man (51%), however it's quite gender neutral."

    Equality ftw!

  12. Larísa, I guess that's got something to do with the fact we originate from the Nordic countries known for the equality... because my results were:

    "We guess is written by a man (53%), however it's quite gender neutral"

    C out

  13. Since everyone is posting theirs, here's mine: We think is written by a man (61%).

    Hmm, not that neutral. Of course, it only gets it from your front page.

    When I get the informal results from the GenderGuesser I get:

    Genre: Informal
    Female = 1125
    Male = 1034
    Difference = -91; 47.89%
    Verdict: Weak FEMALE

    Weak emphasis could indicate European.
