Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mostly cloudy days reminding me of when we parted ways
We tried so hard to talk, everytime you'd walk
Away from me and all I had to offer,
but I know that its because I wasn't there no more, off a
million different reasons, so I asked you,
and you said you'd never walked off, and
now I'm thinking its my conscious,
but you apologize and hold me tight,
you give me some time and some light,
you hear my plight,
so I hold my hands out for you,
you hold it so tight,
that makes me think, me and you will be alright, its true.

I think of friendships like romance novels do,
Like a long lost love is what will get me through,
A night alone again, waking up so damned,
I think if I found someone again, I'd want them to be my friend. Will you be mine?


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