Saturday, July 6, 2024


I need help processing my emotions.

My aunt passed away two days ago. She was one of my mom's older siblings and was on the surface a nice person. Note I haven't seen her in over 24 years and before that it was 8 years and before that it was 4 years. So, this isn't a super close person.

She was changing homes, and when she did, she temporarily lived with us (my mom and me). Then she got established.

Later, we lost our home so we temporarily lived with her. Then we moved away, and it took 8 years before I saw her again. At a family reunion at her home (she went from homeless to having her own house).

Meanwhile, nothing worked out for my mom and we were poor, living in an apartment. My mom was working 3 jobs. Her sister, had started her own business.

Sometime after the reunion, my Aunt's husband got sick. She needed financial help, and asked my mom. Mom told her we were poor and could not spare any money, and my Aunt accused her of wanted he husband dead. (He got better and is still alive).

Now what?


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