Sunday, May 12, 2024

Waiting to get my test shirt. The whole system is actually really weird. You need money to run this. Like... starting money. And none of the videos saying make money, open your own store covers this. You are an intermediary between the sales and the manufacturing.

All these online systems talk well enough to each other for transferring sales information, but fail to take what is needed over to the other one.

So, for every order that comes in, I uave to pay out of pocket, then, I get paid out later by the seller site, to cover it. The seller site takes their cut, which wats into the shipping cost, and if I'm not careful, if a printer is unavailable and I uave to order the same shirt at a higher price, I might pay out of pocket for the shirt.

Not one video I have seen has covered this possibility.


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Spoilers for xmen 97

Episode 9 of xmen 97 shows magneto having properly responded to Bastion, but then not resetting the world so it doesn't kill everyone. He didn't join the xmen to go stop Bastion and then fix the world after.

It is a literal allegory to what is happening with Israel and Palestine. Magneto is literally Israel. Hated and made to live in fear from the humans/nazis, and then in the process of trying to respond appropriately to the attack on genosha/hamas, he over extended his response by killing the wolrd/committing genocide.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Trauma discussion and reference in connection to autism

Non-verbal children worry me the most. Because when I think of what it takes for me to go non-verbal, and not remembering most of my childhood due to trauma from my father....I can't even cover how much I wish for these children safety.


Growing up, I was taught that if I'm being chased, to kneecap the other people running with me, so that the thing chasing me is busy with them and doesn't get to me.

That is a lesson based on capitalism.

It assumes that thing chasing you will stop and eat the one that is now an easy target. It doesn't assume that it will keep chasing because it needs more than one body to feed the others it is hunting for.

So the capitalist kneecaps their competitor. And they get ahead. And they learn the lesson to keep others down. So they kneecap their workers.

Thing is, the thing chasing Capitalists, are Land Owners. The Land Owners already ate the poor. They are eating everyone.

They are investing in eating you too. Because they are capitalists too. But they were working on a different level than you were.

Capitalism is Cannibalism.

They eat each other.

I'm trying to pay my rent. So I'm doing t-shirt designs, to give people something for helping me pay my bills. Thanks for any support.


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Here's the problem, the issue, the proverbial gun to the head of narrative games like PbtA, VtM, BitD, Candela, etc: Those who play it online, that I have seen, dress up. The role play it heavy. They stay in character. They do too much.

It feels like if I'm going to play it, I have to be "ON". I don't want to be "ON" on my relaxing time. Show me VtM, but like how I play d&d with my friends on a saturday in a game store.


Saturday, May 4, 2024

When your players survive 2 Death Tyrants, 2 skeletal cyclops and 8 rime zombies and 16 ghosts in two back to back fights.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What my GMing style is progressing to is this kind of dice explored moments and progress bars.

I'm currently experimenting with the feel, but I'm getting to the point of having more things planned within it.

So for example, everyone is in a room, looking, searching, investigating, aracanaing, religiousitying, etc... and their rolls are against a DC. The amount of successes gives them a certain amount of percent chance to succeed.

Then I roll a d100 under that chance, and if it does, they access the thing. If it fails, I add a complication based on the number of failures.

These details are what I'm working on.


5e dice roll: Base (d20) + Attribute (Str, Dex, Spell Casting Attribute) + Skill (Proficiency) + Circumstance (1/2 or 3/4 cover is -2 or -5), bonuses are given as advantage/disadvantage which cancel each other out.

Pathfinder 2e roll: Base (d20) + Attribute (Str, Dex etc) + Skill (Proficiency + level) + Equipment + Circumstance + Untyped bonuses.

Anarchy Realms dice roll: Base (d20) + Attribute + Skill + Circumstance + Flat Bonus

Is it REALLY that much more complicated? Or is it just the same?


Anarchy Realms has a maximum roll of 42. You have to be high level to get there, but it is possible.

d20+d12+10 is the best roll you can get, without counting advantage on the d20 and d12, and that you could technically get three d12 rolls with advantage each taking the highest roll of the 6.

The +10 is a combination of things. Your base level gets a +1 to +5 bonus depending on your level, and then if you are 5 levels over the target's level you can get a +5 to the roll.

So a level 17 vs a level 12 target (trap, enemy, doesn't matter, rolls are the same), and lots of buffs can lead to the above mentioned maximum roll. If you have all those advantages, then you are looking to average 15+10+10 or 35. This of course is everyone pouring everything into helping with this one roll.

Its important to note that this is rare and high level. So the end result is that high end armor and levels lead to Defenses maxing out around 32.


I wonder how much info people like when keeping an eye on the development of a game? Do you want to see the numbers and charts? Do you want to see the failures? Or will having seen it be powerful make you wish it was again and hate the nerfed version, that is better for the game?
