Friday, January 12, 2018

misUnderstanding Criticism

I've been doing a flurry of writing lately.

From blogs to facebook posts to fanfiction and original fiction and poetry, I've been writing every day. I have this goal in my life, to write a novel, or more specifically to write a book that not only has a beginning, middle and end, but that is sold for money to people who are interested in reading it.

I even found platforms online that allow me to easily sell my stories in chunks that are digestible and released when I want it to. I've though of releasing online myself before, but the upfront costs of having a website, self promotion and design always held me back. That and fear.

With all this writing and thinking of future goals, I went back to work that I've published and reviewed the reviews. Now I had plenty of "good story" and positive reviews, which make me feel all warm inside, but I had reviews that were conflicted in even saying that what I did was good.

Those reviews, by people who, not only read the story, but liked it and disliked it enough to talk about it were even more rewarding in a way. Something about a story that in and of itself was a series of surrealistic fetishism and insane narration, receiving such a conflicted review really rewarded what the goal of the story was in the first place.

One of my recent fanfiction posts was met with a review which confused me though. The person simply wrote, and I quote, "...Sigh".

That was it. "...Sigh"

What does that even mean? What pedestal was my fanfiction on that the only feeling they had was "...Sigh"? I kinda feel like I kicked a puppy with that review. Doesn't help that my friends rated it as one of the best reviews ever.

In the end though, I appreciate it. I got feedback on something. What that feedback means though, is very much up to interpretation. One thing I can say for sure, the story at least had a large enough impact on them that they HAD to let me know it. And sometimes, that's enough. 

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