Sunday, September 22, 2024

I have 1 week to pay for this. If someone can help by donating $20, I'd really appreciate it. I'll include your handle name on the website as a supporter.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Every time you make it a moment for a player and you push it to the next session that player will miss it.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Just to point out a few things: I ended up using species because Anarchy Realms has a bit of a aliens from the moon feeling about things.

I figured that the whole concept being Heritage or Lineage would make more sense, especially since there is also a Culture section.

So you could have grown up among the bees and that got you able to dance a bit better and understand what the pheromones you are smelling mean.

So in 5.14 D&D terms, that would be things like Elven Weapon training, would be a Culture thing, and the No Sleeping Trance would be part of being an Elf as a species.


Just in time for Kraken week, I added Bees to Anarchy Realms!

What do you mean Kraken week was the first week of July? But it was hot that week. I didn't get any work done!

Okay, so here is a belated Kraken Week! Where I do a water or fish themed thing and give you Bees!

What do you mean Bees are not fish? Have you been to California? Bees are FISH in California!


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

money talk, motivation

Having to get used to working again. The heat has been stopping me. But now, I have slightly cooler days, so I'm barrelling back into doing work.

Doesn't help the my "real job" paid me $1000 less because of client cancellations.

I need to find a way to make that up. Not only for this past month, but the month before and next month. I'm essentially 3k in the hole.

So I'm back to working on cards and trying to come up with new shirt designs.
