Racism in TTRPGs
There's so much thinking I have to do to handle having different kinds of people in a #ttrpg. So D&D has been going down into a whole Species description, which honestly sounds worst to me than race, even with the concept of race being non-scientific. But they also went on to remove Half-Elf, which yeah, the TERM is a concern because it centers humanity, and doesn't answer what the other half is (it is assumed to be human).
Which when you say that Elf is a race, and we understand race as being the same species, it has this whole mottled connection with white supremacy, its language and ideas, just baked into what something is.
But... as a latinx individual who grew up in latinx communities but was called a gringo, and then treated as non-white by white people (omg yes I know, the wha wha refrain of everyone like me), having half elf representation, especially in characters like Tanis Half-Elven, helped me a great deal!